Itasca Consultants S.A.S.

Ali Haidar

Geotechnical Engineer

Itasca Consultants S.A.S.

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Consulting Services

Civil Engineering

Ali Haidar

Geotechnical Engineer

Dr. Haidar, a geotechnical engineer at ITASCA France, specialized in numerical modeling and studies of geotechnical projects within ITASCA’s civil engineering team. He holds an engineering degree in Civil Engineering, a master's degree in Hydraulics and Civil Engineering, and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering. His doctoral project focused on the mechanical behavior of rockfill dams with dry-stone pitching, employing a mixed FDM-DEM approach by coupling FLAC3D and PFC3D software.


Ph.D. thesis in Civil Engineering, 2023
Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Master 2 in Hydraulics and Civil Engineering, 2020
Grenoble INP-ense3, Grenoble, France

Master in Civil Engineering, 2020
Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering, Branch 3, Beirut, Lebanon


Haidar, A., Vincens, E., Dedecker, F., Plassart, R. (2023). FDM-DEM modeling of pseudo static experiments on scaled-down rockfill dams with dry stone pitching. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 47(5), 759-792.

Haidar, A., Vincens, E., Dedecker, F., Plassart, R. (2022, June). Comportement pseudo-statique de barrages en enrochement avec perre: modelisation par une approche mixte DEM-FDM. In 11eme journees nationales de geotechnique et de geeologie de l’ingenieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun2022, Lyon, France.


Haidar, A., Vincens, E., Dedecker, F., Plassart, R. (2023, March). From Scaled-Down to Full-Scale Rockfill Dams with Dry-Stone Pitching: A Numerical Study. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’23): 8th International Conference on Geotechnical Research and Engineering (ICGRE’23).

DOI: 10.11159/icgre23.104

Haidar, A., Vincens, E., Dedecker, F., Plassart, R. (2023, June). FDM-DEM modelling of a rockfill dam with dry-stone pitching: a case study. In Proceedings of the 10th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering (NUMGE 2023).

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Arabic, English, French

Itasca Consultants S.A.S.