Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Tryana Garza-Cruz

General Manager, Principal Geomechanics Engineer

U.S. Minneapolis
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

office: +1 (612) 371-4711

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Areas of Expertise

Numerical Modeling
Rock Mechanics

Consulting Services


Tryana Garza-Cruz

General Manager, Principal Geomechanics Engineer

Dr. Garza-Cruz is a geomechanics engineer with experience in the application of three-dimensional continuum and discontinuum numerical methods to assess the stability of mining excavations, caveability, extraction level performance, surface subsidence, primary fragmentation, and stope-back behavior, as well as to evaluate underground mining methods and understand the creep behavior of excavations in frozen ground.

She has applied numerical models to formulate recommendations on mine design criteria (pillar, room, stope, and panel dimensions), as well as regional barrier-pillar and crown-pillar dimensions, sequencing, and set back of infrastructure and accesses. She has also developed specialized tools using Bonded Block Models in 3DEC for the study of spalling rock mass response at tunnel scale.


Ph.D. (Engineering Systems, Mechanical Specialty), 2011
Colorado School of Mines

M.Sc. (Renewable Energy Science, Geothermal), 2010
University of Iceland / University of Akureyri (Iceland)

B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), 2005
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico

Professional Memberships

American Rock Mechanics Association


Download Garza-Cruz.Tryana_pub_2022.pdf

Garza-Cruz, T. V., M. Pierce and M. Board. “Effect of Shear Stresses on Pillar Stability - a Back Analysis of the Troy Mine Experience to Forward Predict Pillar Performance at Montanore,” in Proceedings, 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA, June 2018, Seattle, Washington), ARMA 18-1158. Alexandria, Virginia: ARMA, 2018.

U.S. Minneapolis
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.