FLAC3D 7.0 Plot Range Tutorial

This tutorial will show how to create and manipulate plot range elements in FLAC3D. Each plot-item in a plot may have one or more range elements that shows the portion which lies within the defined range, while removing from view the portion of the plot-item that lies outside it. Plot-item ranges may also be copied and applied to other plot-items.

Keywords: FLAC3D, plots, range, tunnel

Download the files used in this tutorial: Ranging (BDL | 2 MB). This is a FLAC3D bundle file (*.bdl) and contains all the files related to this tutorial project. To open the bundle file, in FLAC3D 7, click the Tools menu item, then Bundle, and Unpack. Now navigate to where you saved the file, enable the "Load the unpacked project" check box, and click the unpack... button in the Bundle Report dialog.

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