News Article

Web licenses are now available!

Web licenses are an internet-based security system that allow a user to operate Itasca software without a USB key. Web licenses are currently available for FLAC3D 7.0, Griddle 2.0, and 3DEC 7.0 and will be available for PFC 7.0 upon release. Web licenses are ideal for organizations with many users at different locations and/or for cloud computing.

Web licenses:

  • Do not require a USB key for software security
  • Allow multiple seats per web license
  • Permit a single instance of the software to cycle for each seat purchased
  • Accept an unlimited number of users in the user pool for any license (though simultaneous use is limited to the number of seats on the license)

Web licenses require internet access during model cycling and model modification.

Organizations manage their web licenses via a license management web site. End-users may access their profile information and information about their licenses (current usage, number available, etc.) through the web site.

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