Analysis of a Concrete Diaphragm Wall


Version Notes:
FLAC 8.0

Level: Intermediate
Runs in Demo: Yes

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The stages of construction of a concrete diaphragm wall are simulated with FLAC. The analysis begins with the concrete diaphragm wall cast in place. Dewatering, excavation and installation of support struts are simulated in five excavation stages. Distribution of shear forces and bending moments in the wall, axial forces in the struts and displacements of the soil behind the wall are calculated during the five stages.


  • Multistage excavation
  • Dewatering
  • Concrete diaphragm wall
  • Support struts
  • Importing stratigraphy geometry
  • Beam elements
  • Interfaces
  • Large strain
  • Mohr-Coulomb model


  • Concrete
  • Soil


  • Fluid Flow
  • Static
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