News Article

2020 Peter A. Cundall Award

Peter A. Cundall Award Recipient

The best overall Extended Abstract is presented with the Peter A. Cundall Award and invited to present one of the Symposium keynote addresses at the 5th International Itasca Symposium (Vienna, 2020).

Itasca is pleased to congratulate Traian Dumitrica, Yuezhou Wang, Hao Xu, Grigorii Drozdov, and Igor Ostanin for their extended abstract "Distinct Element Method (DEM) for fibrous composites: Toward computational guided manufacturing" which has been selected as the winner of the 2020 Peter A. Cundall Award. Visit the Symposium website for more information about the authors and their extended abstract. The award will be presented at the symposium banquet on February 19 in Vienna. Dr. Dumitrica will present their work at a keynote lecture during the symposium.

​Thank you to all authors who submitted an extended abstract.​​ All extended abstracts will be published on Itasca's websites following the

Honorable Mentions

In recognition of their outstanding work, Itasca is also awarding honorable mentions to these extended abstracts:

DEM analysis of the Wolf Rock interlocked masonry lighthouse under extreme wave impacts
Athanasios Pappas, Alessandro Antonini, Darshana T. Dassanayake, Alison Raby, and Dina D'Ayala

3D anisotropic modelling of deep drifts at the Meuse/Haute-Marne URL
M. Souley, M.N. Vu, and G. Armand

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