
Itasca Educational Partnership

IEP Research Program
IEP Teaching Program

Software Tutorials

MINEDW Tutorial (Part 3: Boundary Conditions)

In this tutorial we will take a look at the different boundary conditions available to the user, and we will go over some examples of different scenarios in which they would be used.

Tutorial: Simple Slope Stability

Using UDEC 6 and the shear-reduction method to calculate the factor-of-safety, this tutorial will show you how to analyze the stability of a simple slope containing: (1) no discrete jointing (continuum), (2) fully-continuous jointing (discrete blocks), and (3) noncontinuous, en echelon jointing.

An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 3

Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 3 focuses on modules and packages, with a focus on NumPy and Matplotlib.

Technical Papers

On the Density Variability of Poissonian Discrete Fracture Networks, with application to power-law fracture size distributions

This paper presents analytical solutions to estimate at any scale the fracture density variability associated to stochastic Discrete Fracture Networks. These analytical solutions are based upon the assumption that each fracture in the network is an independent event. Analytical solutions are developed for any kind of fracture density indicators.

Quantifying the Effect of Localized Depressurization on a Deep Underground Ore Body at the Mcarthur River Mine through Cross Hole Hydraulic Testing and Groundwater Modeling

The McArthur River mine in northern Saskatchewan is the largest single producer of uranium in the world.

Application of InSAR for Monitoring Deformations at the Kiirunavaara Mine

Assess the use InSAR technology for LKAB's purposes - as a replacement and/or complement to current GPS measurements.

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