News Article

International Slope Stability 2022

Itasca is proud to be a Diamond sponsor of Slope Stability 2022 (October 17-21 | Tucson, Arizona). Itasca engineers from several countries will be attending. Do you have any slope stability challenges or software modeling questions? Then please stop by our booth (12 & 13) and chat with one of our consultants. Itasca is also providing a comprehensive pre-conference workshop on Monday, October 17.

Evolving Technologies for Slope Stability Studies

Time:Full-day (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Cost: Early - $450 (Students $200) • Regular - $500 (Students $225)


This one-day-long workshop reviews cutting-edge technologies being applied in the analysis of large-scale slope stability. The main sessions include powerful data processing approaches, new material models to better represent rock masses, insights into the relevance of water, and geomechanical perspectives of blasting. The “Evolving technologies for slope stability studies” workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Novel techniques for data processing for input to analysis
    • Geotechnical block models using discrete smooth interpolation combined with conforming the block model to the interpreted geologic and structural domains to overcome typical kriging limitations
    • Predicting rock strength from core logging and machine learning
  • New models for rock mass behavior
    • Itasca Model for Advanced Strain Softening (IMASS) as an alternative to the Hoek-Brown D-factor
    • Multiple ubiquitous joint model (Comba)
  • New insights into water relevance in slope stability
    • When and where hydromechanical coupling is important (depressurization of low permeability materials)
    • Transient surface water considerations, including facility leakage, historical precipitation, and future rainfall events
  • Blasting under the geomechanical perspective
    • Intro to GMX perspective on blasting
    • Applied numerical modeling including web-based apps
    • Considerations for various scales of analysis
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