
Itasca Chile SpA

Itasca Chile SpA

Teléfono: (+56-2) 2434-1300

Sitio web:

Av. Pedro de Valdivia 291, Segundo Piso
C.P. 7500524

Established in 1993 in Santiago de Chile, Itasca Chile SpA (formerly Itasca S.A.), provides services in applied geomechanics and hydrogeology mainly to clients of the mining industry and project engineering firms. The office leads Itasca's services in Latin America, and its staff has a variety of skills ranging from field work to the practical application of numerical modeling tools for consulting services in geomechanics and hydrogeology.

Since its inception, Itasca Chile has provided consulting services to the most important mining companies in the region, including: all divisions of CODELCO Chile; Mina Escondida Ltda .; Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, several divisions of Anglo American in Chile, the operations of Southern Peru Copper in Toquepala and Cuajone, Minera Las Bambas in Peru, Anglogold operations in Brazil, Debswana operations in Botswana, DeBeers operations in South Africa, etc.

The General Manager is Patricio Gómez, a Chilean civil engineer with nearly 30 years of experience in geotechnical engineering applied to the mining and civil industries and with more than 25 years of experience applying Itasca's knowledge in a variety of geotechnical problems. Hydrogeology services are coordinated by the Hydrogeology and Water Resources Manager, engineer Martin Brown, a professional with extensive practical and operational experience in several mining sites in Chile. The Principal Consultant in Geomechanics of Itasca International, Inc., Dr. Loren Lorig, participates regularly as a Principal Consultant for the services of Itasca Chile.

The technical staff of Itasca Chile is composed of nearly 30 consultants with specializations in geomechanics, hydrogeology and geology, in addition to seven administrative employees and two IT specialists.


  • Análisis de estabilidad para taludes mineros y civiles
  • Caracterización geomecánica e hidrogeológica de macizos rocosos
  • Análisis y diseño de fortificación de rocas
  • Diseño y evaluación geomecánica de métodos de minería subterránea
  • Desarrollo de modelos hidrogeológicos conceptuales y numéricos
  • Desarrollo de sistemas geomecánicos e hidrogeológicos de monitoreo e Instrumentación
  • Calibración de campos de esfuerzos basados en mediciones in situ
  • Análisis dinámico de presas de relaves y botaderos de lastre
  • Estudios de hidrogeología minera (desaguado, caracterización hidráulica, monitoreo, etc.)
  • Gestión de recursos hídricos
  • Recarga artificial de acuíferos
  • Hidrogeología ambiental e hidrogeoquímica de aguas subterráneas
  • Ventas, capacitación y soporte en la comercialización de software geomecánico e hidrogeológico de desarrollo interno en Itasca International, Inc.

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