Generate a Hybrid Mesh by Combining Block Ranger and GVol
This tutorial will demonstrate a method to create a hybrid mesh of tetrahedral zones to model the rock mass and hexahedral zones to model a concrete liner. Hexahedral zones for the liner are preferred in order to more accurately capture plastic strains in this region. The meshing is done by utilizing the Itasca Griddle volume mesher plug-in for Rhino 3D. Importing the final mesh into FLAC3D, for future finite volume modeling, is also demonstrated.
An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 2
Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 2 focuses on classes and objects plus lists and dictionaries.
FLAC3D 7 Zone Plotting Tutorial
This tutorial will show how to create and manipulate zone plot items for showing model attributes and results.
Artiklar och presentationer
On the Density Variability of Poissonian Discrete Fracture Networks, with application to power-law fracture size distributions
This paper presents analytical solutions to estimate at any scale the fracture density variability associated to stochastic Discrete Fracture Networks. These analytical solutions are based upon the assumption that each fracture in the network is an independent event. Analytical solutions are developed for any kind of fracture density indicators.
Input to Orepass Design — A Numerical Modeling Study
Orepass design guidelines required for potentially continued mining at depth. Rock strength and stress state were validated through comparison with observed fallouts in orepasses and shafts and the optimal orientation and location of orepasses for future mining were determined.
Influence of the particle shape on the impact force of lahar on an obstacle
Lahars represent natural phenomena that can generate severe damage in densely populated urban areas. The evaluation of pressures generated by these mass flows on constructions (buildings, infrastructure…) is crucial for civil protection and assessment of physical vulnerability. The existing tools to model the spread of flows at large scale in densely populated urban areas remain inaccurate in the estimation of mechanical efforts. A discrete numerical model is developed for evaluating debris flow (DF) impact pressures at the local scale of one structure.