Software Tutorials
PFC 7 Balls in a Box
This tutorial will guide you through the main steps required to build a simple PFC model with 30 interacting balls in a box using the linear contact model.
An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 3
Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 3 focuses on modules and packages, with a focus on NumPy and Matplotlib.
An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 1
Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 1 focuses on installing Python, variables and types, conditions and loops, and functions.
Technische Unterlagen
Advanced three-dimensional geomechanical and hydrogeological modelling for a deep open pit
Solving rock mechanics issues through modelling: then, now, and in the future?
Influence of the particle shape on the impact force of lahar on an obstacle
Lahars represent natural phenomena that can generate severe damage in densely populated urban areas. The evaluation of pressures generated by these mass flows on constructions (buildings, infrastructure…) is crucial for civil protection and assessment of physical vulnerability. The existing tools to model the spread of flows at large scale in densely populated urban areas remain inaccurate in the estimation of mechanical efforts. A discrete numerical model is developed for evaluating debris flow (DF) impact pressures at the local scale of one structure.