Itasca Consultants GmbH

Nader Saadatkhah

Geotechnical Engineer

Itasca Consultants GmbH

Areas of Expertise

Gravity Flow
Rock Mechanics
Soil Mechanics

Consulting Services

Civil Engineering

Nader Saadatkhah

Geotechnical Engineer

Nader Saadatkhah is a Geotechnical Engineer with a PhD in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Eng.) with experience in natural hazard engineering using hydro-mechanical coupling models (Finite Element Method (FEM), Discrete Element Method (DEM) for the field and interaction simulations, numerical modeling in land/submarine hazard assessment, and spatial-temporal regional slope stability modeling), geotechnical hazard and risk management (water hazard and risk management, ground motion response, liquefaction, swelling and collapse), soil/rock slope stability (fall, topple, slide, spread, creep, and flow), mud flow and runoff, engineering behavior of soil/rock under static and dynamic loading, and experimental methods in geotechnics and soil state monitoring and soil parameter identification.

Itasca Consultants GmbH